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UtraKey-OZ IU

Levofloxacin, Ornidazole and Alpha Tocopherol Intra-Uterine Solution


Metritis, endometritis, vaginitis, cervicitis, pyometra, retained placenta, repeat breeder, problems of infective origin, abortion

Composition :

Each ml contains

Levofloxacin Hemihydrate I.P. 20 mg
Ornidazole I.P. 40 mg
Alpha Tocopherol Acetate I.P. 5 mg

Benefits :
  • Antibacterial with antiprotozoal advantage
  • Eliminates gram positive and gram negative bacterias
  • Helps in regeneration of damaged uterine layers
  • Treatment of animals with intrauterine infections like Metritis
  • Endometritis , cervicitis, salpingitis or pyometra
Dosage & Administration

Administer through intrauterine route as directed by Veterinary Practitioner

Withdrawal Period
  • Milk : 7 days
  • Meat : 28 days
Packaging & Storage
  • UtraKey OZ IU is available in 60 ml along with the hand gloves.
  • Store in a dry & dark place.
  • Do not store below 15° C.

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