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key of microflora

Composition :

Activated Clay mineral based toxin binder oral suspension

  • Improves feed intake & dung score
  • Instant relief in digestive disorders
  • Binds with the 7 mycotoxins & excreted by faces
  • Cleanses digestive tract after deworming
  • ToxKey stimulates the salivary and gastro-intestinal secretions hence balances the ruminal pH.
  • Herbal bitter stomachics in ToxKey regulate the gastric secretions along with Hydorchloric acid thus balances the ruminal pH.
  • ToxKey helps in elimination of acids through gastric epithelium hence maintains ruminal pH.
  • ToxKey being carminative helps in eructation of Carbon dioxide from rumen hence maintains normal pH in rumen.
  • ToxKey normalizes ruminal microflora which helps in conversion of carbon dioxide to methane & maintains ruminal pH.
  • ToxKey also regulates the peristalsis.

  • Diarrhoea
  • Indigestion
  • Off feed
  • Feed Poisoing
  • Impaction & Bloat
  • Cow, Buffalo & Horse : 1-2 ml. per kg. body wt. or 500 ml. as single dose.
  • Calf, Sheep, Goat & Pig : 1-2 ml. per kg. body wt.
  • Dog & Cat : 3-4 ml. per kg. body wt.
  • Repeat dose after 12 hrs. or as directed by the Veterinarian/ Nutritionist
Prescription Pack :

500 ml


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