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Rozana 50-50

Maintain body system with Rozana 50-50

Composition :

Composition Each 1.2 kg Contains :

Vitamin A 10,00.000 IU Vitamin D3 10,00.000 IU
Vitamin E 1000 IU Chromium Propionate (4% Stabilized) 10 g.
Selenium 8 g. Copper Glycinate 5 g.
Zinc Glycinate 12 g. Manganese Glycinate 5 g.
Sulphur 6 g. Niacinamide 1.2 g.
Calcium 250 g. Phosphorus 125 g.
Beta Carotene 6 mg. Herbs & Base Q.S
  • Improve Milk & Fat
  • Improves Fertility
  • Improves Growth
  • Improves Immunity
  • Helps to maintain optimum calving interval
  • Better utilization of absorbed nutrients.
  • Improves reproductive efficiency and reduces inter- calving period.
  • Anoestrus & Repeat breeding
  • Delayed sexual maturity
  • Prevents early embryonic death
  • Helps to improve conception rate
  • Improves the semen quality in mails
Usage :

Cow & Buffalo: 50 gm per day for maintenance & better milk production.

Calf, Sheep, Goat: 30 to 50 gm per day for better weight gain & maintenance.

Mixing Ratio:: 1 to 2 kg to be mixed in 100 kg feed.

Prescription Pack:

1kg,2.5 kg, 5kg, 20 kg


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