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Excellent Hepatic Stimulant Tonic

Composition :

Each 30 ml contains :

Ferrous Gluconate 200 mg
Ferrous Chloride 80 mg
Thiamine Hydrochloride 5 mg
Riboflavine 5 mg
Nicotinic Acid 20 mg
Nicotinamide 45 mg
Calcium Lactate 300 mg
Liver Fraction 2 (derived from 3.75 g of fresh liver) 150 mg
Silymarin 150 mg
In a flavoured syrupy base QS.

  • Cows, Buffaloes : 50 ml twice daily
  • Calves : 20- 25 ml twice daily
  • Sheep & Goat : 10- 15 ml twice daily
  • Poultry : 10 ml per 100 birds
  • Anti-Oxidant.
  • Hepatoprotective
  • Reduce blood lipids.
  • Helps in liver regeneration.
  • Increases liver cell synthesis.
  • It also increases milk production.
  • Protects the liver from the effect of toxins.
  • Supportive treatment in deficiencies.
  • Enhances growth, productivity, and efficiency.
  • Improves livability and peak performance & develops body resistance against diseases.
  • Appetite improves FCR, promotes growth, increases milk yield and prevents liver disorders.
  • As a general tonic to use regularly to enhance liver functioning, Improves FCR and weight gain.
  • Rejuvenate & Regenerate Cells
  • Activated Cells
  • Secretes digestive juices
  • Improves digestion & absorption
  • Increased body weight

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